Will there or won’t there be a Recession?

The US has proven over time to be a resilient country much like a family, we've stumbled, had arguments that have turned bloody, turned our backs on each other, and looked down on one another when we shouldn't have, but we've always picked ourselves up and become better people for it. Now we have dozens of people in congress who are incapable of independent thought and do not know how to differentiate between problems that impact our real safety and problems affecting only our emotional safety. We have massive inflation, millions of people refusing to work, millions more coming across our southern border looking for a handout, China openly mocking us, refusing to provide any information on Covid, and then openly spying on us. We have not been creating wealth and growing the economy, we've been only consuming it. In a normal healthy society, there would be a lot of discussion about the ramifications of this massive human migration taking place, how the covid pandemic began, how to stop the next one, and how to block China. We're heading to a tough place, but because of who we are as a society we will triumph.