2024 Election – Politician or Businessman?


What is the difference between a politician running for office and a businessman running for office?  When a politician runs his focus is on the accumulation of funds for advertising.  He must get his name out there for votes.  Then he must build a credible story of how he will improve our lives.  This is built around what the poles suggest are important to the largest number of people.  Before he can go public with his story he must first get his top donors to sign off on the message which means the biggest donors dictate what is important – retail politics.  Now he has two masters, the donor & the voter unless, in the rare event, he can convince all the voters to provide enough money for the entire effort.  If he runs short of cash though new donors must be found and promises made to them as well to receive the money.  Now he has three or more masters to serve, passable for state politics, unacceptable for Federal politics, (ref Biden and China or Ukraine or Russia or ……..).

How does the independent businessman run for office?  Building a business puts him front and center with the general public’s wants, desires, and needs.  Building a business requires being adept at finding workable solutions to problems.  The businessman doesn’t need polls to know what needs are not being met nor does he need a survey, (poll), to tell him how to solve problems, he’s likely lived them.  So, the businessman first establishes how he must run a successful company, (or country), what needs are most important, and how to best satisfy those needs.  Next, the businessman finds investors, (different from donors), who support his business plan.  Investors don’t typically drop out.  If he requires additional funds he’ll pull in other investors but the story doesn’t change.  The smart businessman involves his employees in the success or failure of the company, the businessman running for office likewise involves the individual voters in his success.  The smart businessman will also reach out to new markets to demonstrate how his brand will benefit them.  Because businesses fail when the story changes he understands the need for consistency, reliability, and delivery as promised.  The politician, too often, promises what he cannot deliver and asks for forgiveness afterward or makes excuses.  If the businessman does this his company goes the way of Solyndra, Blockbuster, Mesa Airlines, or others. 

Any wonder why politicians are generally so wishy-washy?  Is this the mindset you want running the country?  The driving force behind all politicians is how do I get re-elected and how do I pay for it?  In an effort to be popular and remain in office a politician is quick to respond to the latest trends sweeping the nation like, BLM, Police reform, Transgender rights, or even climate change in order to improve their popularity.  The press never requires a politician to do more than mention a few well-chosen words to make it appear that it’s an important issue.  So Politicians continue to “virtue-signal” without making any real commitment or lifestyle change so they can still say they “relate” to the voters.  The voters who critically think about the issues and don’t completely rely on Legacy Corporate media recognize when this happens.  We’ve been hearing the Biden administration speak of reducing inflation because they’ve determined increasing inflation upsets the voters but they still proposed the “Inflation Reduction Act” that only exacerbated inflation.  The WH knows the majority of voters want the border closed, they want illegal drugs stopped and they don’t support all the misery caused by human trafficking so they send Alejandro Mayorkas to the podium to tell everyone the border is closed, (virtue signal), and that everything is under control.  At the same time, they sue the state of Texas for erecting barriers to stop the flow of illegal immigrants and help reduce drug and human trafficking.  This isn’t a new issue either, think back on the Obama term, how many times did he try the same trick? People were concerned the economy was in a malaise and not growing so he came out with “shovel-ready jobs” as a way to stimulate the economy, and Obamacare which was going to reduce the cost for our healthcare, contribute to a better economy and improve our choices for health services and doctors if we wanted.  By now everyone knows these programs either did nothing or made matters significantly worse. 

The reason it’s so important to be concerned about virtue signaling, empty threats, and empty promises are the responses they elicit from bad actors and foreign leaders, (dictators, tyrants, authoritarians) around the world.  These individuals carefully watch how the President deals with such internal issues.  Weak or capitulating responses to threats from the woke agenda or climate apocalypse groups for example, tell them this is a person who can be molded like putty and used to help them achieve all their goals and pay for them as well.  Putin and the Ayatollah Khomeini recognized this trait with Obama when Putin invaded Georgia and when the Ayatollah advanced Iran’s nuclear capability as well as used the US to fund their terrorist efforts around the world.  Xi Jinping was much less obvious but far craftier when he began “molding” Obama.  As we are finding out now Xi discreetly “purchased” a number of members of Congress like Eric Swalwell, probably Diane Feinstein whose driver was a spy, and Vice President Joe Biden who took money from China for what; considerations to be named later?  The point is Xi recognized a weak politician with flexible “lines in the sand” and exploited it realizing as president he wouldn’t protect either staff or members of Congress if they were caught.  Xi had to put everything on hold while Trump was in office except probably working behind the scenes with compromised members of Congress and staff to undermine Trump’s ability to function in office or it would seem to ever hold office again.  (This might be something an intrepid reporter might want to investigate wouldn’t you think?)  Since Biden assumed the Office of the President, Xi is back overtly challenging Biden’s resolve whether it’s the Climate agenda, threatening to take over Taiwan and the other surrounding countries, or continuing his Nazi-style genocide of the Uigurs.  He knows Biden might try an appeasement ploy at most but he’ll just ignore it and continue his efforts to undermine the US financially, diplomatically, and militarily.

Our system of government, a republic as opposed to a democracy, was designed in such a way it can absorb changes in our society and the missteps that occur because we elected corrupt government officials, (detailed above), or a government agency was weaponized by those same corrupt officials, and it can even adjust and correct poorly constructed legislation without destroying the country.  This is because of the system of checks and balances incorporated into the Constitution.  If a segment of one branch of government is compromised as the FBI and DOJ appear to be, the court system can act as a balance and allow the issues to be reviewed in more detail and corrected if necessary.  When we find corrupt officials in office they can be removed through the election process or the Impeachment process, both of which bring the facts to light for all to see.  There is an even more important reason this country has remained as viable and as influential in world history and that is because of one of the key freedoms we enjoy – Freedom of the Press.  In the past, this has been one of the most effective checks on an errant government we have and is a primary reason it was written into the Constitution.  The reason I say in the past is because too many of those employed by the Legacy Corporate media have been steeped in the rules for Radicals from Saul Alinsky so they no longer are able to objectively argue different sides of an issue.  With very few exceptions every issue should have a countervailing argument to temper any response.  It is these opposing arguments that help bring out the best answers, but in the last decade or more we’ve been seeing fewer multi-sided arguments and this is a concern.  With the BLM and defunding the police, it was racism by the Ferguson police against Michael Brown.  With Covid 19 there were only vaccines, masks, and lockdowns.  With Trump it is concealing government documents, influence peddling, and criminal financial behavior while Biden has a right to the documents, he’s protecting American interests, and providing business services with the 23 different LLCs. The stories being reported only lean one way.  Michael Brown appears to have resisted arrest after stealing from the QuickTrip Petrol station.  There were alternative treatments to the Covid 19 vaccine depending on a number of criteria, masks, and lockdowns don’t actually work for the majority of people.  Trump has the right to those documents by statute, he didn’t sell influence to foreign nationals and has apparently not conducted business outside the law.  At least he has been successful on every court challenge so far.  While Biden was discovered to have top security documents in several unsecured locations from a time as a Senator and VP, (not allowed), he is on tape bragging about demanding an AG be fired before US funds are released and well you decide what value comes from having 23 interlocked LLC’s.  The fact the Legacy Corporate media is primarily reporting one version of an issue just means we must put in a little more effort to understand the facts, maybe there really is only one side, but that is a rarity and we should investigate for ourselves. 

There is a lot going on these days and it would be nice to see the press discussing all sides of the issues but a person has to ask when the former President is vilified for relying on one of our tenant freedoms, the freedom of speech, when members of the opposing party have said the exact same thing.  When he is indicted for taking information which he is allowed to do by statute and members of the opposing party take information they are specifically not allowed to take but are not indicted.  Is there something occurring that is actually threatening our way of life, let alone our standard of living.  And do we have an obligation to remove these government officials from their position of power?  It is time to communicate with your state representatives and senators that we need some accountability.  It is time to look closely at what each candidate, in each office, stands for.  Whether they will represent the Constitution and our freedoms or are they all in for a bigger and stronger government?  If you are convinced the Democrat party is still the way to go then stand up and force the DNC to put Robert Kennedy and anyone else who has declared on the primary ballot.  There should be a choice, we are not living under an authoritarian rule yet.  It is also important to consider if the top position should be left to a politician or do we need a more diverse individual not driven by typical politics and not so readily inclined to appeasement.

As always, thanks for taking the time to review my articles.  I rely on the principles of Critical Thinking and I hope I have provided some additional reasons to consider more information.  It’s never a bad thing to think outside-the-box even though sometimes, (not often), the best answer is inside-the-box.

One thought on “2024 Election – Politician or Businessman?

  1. I don’t think much will change until we the people can set the groundwork for term limits. Someone can go in as a business man but after 4 years they are more politician. The worse it gets the longer they are in there. Trump is still my guy and a wild card but even he is in the grey area now between a business man and a politician.


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