Everybody convert to Electricity – forget the details, full speed ahead


It’s sad when you think about it, the only thing the Green Energy disciples can think about is the very end result of a long and complicated process of supplying energy to the end user to make our lives easier. Life in the US has been so easy and comfortable, relative to the rest of the world, they’ve never bothered to consider all the hard work and the steps it takes to get to where we are.    It’s as if they’ve fallen under that magnetic spell that John Kerry, Al Gore, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden give off that we must convert now or there won’t be a later.  The freedoms we enjoy to innovate and create a better life are messy and unorganized and they aren’t able to control it so they want to force a solution whether it’s a good solution that helps or not.

Anyone willing to look at the research data, apply a modicum of critical thinking, and compare it with common sense will realize these 4 mental giants are playing us all for money and power.  The Clean Energy disciples want to go directly to using all electricity w/ no concern for the health and well-being of anyone.  The sacrifice of the health of the few is more than worth the benefit for the many.  How about we start by determining ALL environmental impacts of the different alternatives first; building batteries take tremendous resources and they aren’t pollution-free, disposing of those same batteries requires very special handling.  Solar panels are marginally better but they also utilize bigger batteries with disposal issues as well.  Offshore wind power appears to be killing aquatic life and that could be far more dangerous in the long run.  Onshore wind power, as it now exists, isn’t much better for avian life and it’s difficult to farm around the windmills as well.  Whether you believe the clean energy disciples’ sermons that we need to become vegan or not we will still need farmers and farmland, (even more if we eliminate meat) so that cuts out solar panels for any significant consideration.  The current path of energy transition will trade one set of problems for the existing ones and the new problems won’t be any better.  It’s almost as if this is a marketing ploy set up by the wind generator manufacturers, solar panel manufacturers, and the battery industries to sell more products at the direction of the multinational corporations supplying all the rare earth minerals for these products.  Of course, the majority of the worldwide rights to supply most of the rare earth minerals are no longer controlled by US corporations because a “competitor” has either purchased or entered into trade agreements to control all those rights.  If you listen to news other than legacy corporate media you may have heard of this competitor – China.

It will take a concerted effort by all of us to break this spell cast by the 4 musketeers listed above.  It’s in our best interest to continue conservation efforts and always innovate improvements to energy generation, whether that means effectively cleaning up the emissions and waste or developing sources of transmissible energy that have no emissions.  This destructive path of shutting down a reliable source of energy without being able to provide another source is unconscionable.  Refrigeration for food storage and medicine storage is critical to health.  Moving supplies from one part of the country or world to another is critical. When a country decides to voluntarily handicap itself in this manner it must have an effective military for defense against the competitors who choose to exploit and overrun them because of their handicap.  Do you suppose they’re just lazy and don’t want to think hard enough to comprehend everything that must go into the development and use of clean energy or is it something else?  The most precious gift you can give anyone is the gift of time so thanks for taking the time to read this.  Visit me at https://slickwillys.net and give me your thoughts on various other topics as well.

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