2024 Election – Politician or Businessman?

What is the difference between a politician running for office and a businessman running for office? When a politician runs his focus is on the accumulation of funds for advertising. How does the independent businessman run for office? The businessman finds investors, (different from donors), who support his business plan.

Short Take – Bidenomics

The White House has been explaining lately how wonderful our economy actually is and why everyone is so happy about it. After reviewing all the information and applying a bit of critical thinking here is a summary of Bidenomics and reasons why we are all so encouraged and happy about the economy as it stands today under the Biden administration.

A Representative Government – If you can keep it

As we go into this memorial day weekend it's worth remembering the sacrifices so many of our young men and women and their families have committed to in order to maintain this tremendous country of ours, beginning with our founding fathers. They each had a vision and reading through some of early accounts of the time they were all different except for one thing. They understood how important it was to get away from the "Ruling Class Elites". There is another great tradition in this country that goes hand-in-hand with our military and families sacrifices and that is our free and independent election of the President of the United States. Let us celebrate that great tradition as well. Here is a look at some of the issues facing us today that we need to on guard against.

Climate Change & Reality Intersectionality

Politicians and influencers including the corporate press are pushing for a reduction in man-made CO2 emissions to the extent of cutting back on all animal protein, eliminating the petroleum industry, and drastically reducing our God-given freedoms and rights. We are now being told we must buy electric vehicles, electric stoves, and home heating must be electric w/in the next few years. Saving the planet rests on the shoulders of the US citizens who will make further sacrifices, meanwhile, the only country that is actually on target to meet the goal commitment is the US. China, (the biggest air polluter and waste polluter), continues to ignore all the climate change warnings. Do they have it right and we're the patsy or will they bring on the "Climate Apocalypse" and we all suffer? Here are further critical thinking concepts to better understand what is being pushed on us.

Dangerous times – Freedom beware!

Our country was established on the basis that no individual should be oppressed by the government and in fact, the government should be the one to protect individuals from being oppressed by groups of individuals. This was a radical idea at the time because it was just an accepted fact that certain people were better at deciding what was best for everyone else; they were the privileged few, the Ruling class, the Monarchy, Emperor, Dictator, etc. To think anyone not in this group could properly rule themselves was nothing short of absurd. Our Founding Fathers worked hard to fashion a government with checks and balances necessary to protect the individual from being overrun by the government to the point of the 2nd amendment. Never in a million years did they contemplate the one thing capable of bringing down our form of government - a free and independent press being corrupted by the government. Dangerous times - Freedom beware! Delves into this idea a little further.

Where is our Press? Working for the government

We have an increasingly divided two-tier justice system, criminals are not prosecuted, political opponents have been indicted, overseas bank accounts have been arbitrarily ceased, entire countries have lost confidence in the dollar, our biggest adversary insults our President and top government officials with impunity, wild claims are made about the imminent destruction of the planet because of an unspecified climate calamity and half to 3/4ths of the press corp refuses to do any investigative reporting. Somehow we've managed to elect a cognitively impaired Senator, and a presidential candidate who is obviously cognitively impaired is elected even when he couldn't fill a small high school gym with the highest number of votes ever received over an incumbent with a proven record who filled large stadiums every time he spoke and no one in the press corp is even interested in the possibility of voter fraud? We have entered Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone" and if we don't find our way out we will lose our standing in the world and our standard of living will drop significantly. The press isn't capable of doing their jobs anymore so we must. Think Critically in the upcoming election cycle.